Digital Marketing Strategy of 2020 to Increase Leads & Brand Awareness

    Digital Marketing Strategy of 2020

    When you hear about Digital marketing, you think “What is digital marketing strategy?”, plenty of ideas or suggestions many are ready to share. But nowadays many twists and turns are necessary to market yourself on web media. The perfect strategy and approach will lead any business to succeed online.

    Today we are going to share some ultimate digital marketing strategy that is a must to include in the checklist of 2020 Digital Marketing Strategy. Just scroll down and know about Digital Marketing.

    What is Digital Marketing?

    Digital Marketing is the art of marketing your services or product using digital media. Basically, all the online channels and internet is used for covering the maximum people and doing marketing through websites, email, Social Media, mobile apps and Search engines.
    top digital marketing trends 2020, future of digital marketing, successful digital marketing tips

    What is Digital Marketing?

    How Important Digital Marketing is?

    In today’s Digital World, many people are moving up to Digital Marketing. Internet marketing allows you to change the fundamentals and focus on important aspects such as target, user experience, e-mails, and social media marketing constantly.

    In addition, it affects each part of the target market - no matter where they are. You will get to meet them all the time and what they expect to find. Digital marketing provides you the opportunity to reach several clients quickly and in your budget. Thus, you can use the benefits of Digital Marketing for better growth of your business.

    What is Digital Marketing Strategies?

    The strategy of Digital Marketing includes key techniques for achieving digital marketing through proper and tried and tested ways. The first law in marketing is to make the right deal at the right time.
    Sure, there are different elements that you need to understand. They work together to build a base for your market that draws customers, makes partnerships and deals that contribute to the conversion.

    Key techniques for Digital marketing strategy:

    1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
    2. Search engine marketing (SEM)
    3. Content marketing
    4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
    5. Email marketing

    1. Search engine optimization (SEO):

    Search Engine Optimization is a technique to optimize your website results in ranking higher in search engines to get high, organic, free traffic. A higher search engine rank helps to connect the huge cluster of people online to your business.the high SE ranking proves a huge jump in getting organic traffic. Google SEO is best for bringing organic traffic.
    Search Engine Optimization is a technique to optimize your website results in ranking higher in search engines to get high, organic, free traffic.
    Search Engine Optimization

    In another way, SEO Is to do some important changes in your website and its design including content, heading, title, etc to make your site more attractive for the search engines. Organic SEO includes all basic strategies like keyword research and TItle change, etc according to an individual’s SEO marketing Skills. This will help in displaying your website as a top result on Search Engine Result Pages. If you are curious to know More About its factors, get some detail information of Successful SEO Factors

    Initially, every digital marketer starts with SEO, it helps in obtaining targeted Audiences. Let’s say, Every person is using the internet to search for their interest areas.

    About 80% of people search from the first page of search engine result pages(SERP)s. people find their product over there and that’s how it proves SEO is beneficial for your business. If you are not able to rank automatically you are hidden from the audience who are looking for you or your products. Some important tactics and tricks of SEO everyone must follow as mentioned below.

    Important Steps in SEO:

    • URL optimization
    • Title and heading optimization
    • Meta description
    • Content
    • Alt Tags
    • Internal linking
    • Link Building

    There Are two types of SEO optimization:

    1. ON page optimization
    2. OFF page optimization

    for more SEO learning What are SEO basics follow up here.

    2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

    Search Engine Marketing(SEM), is also a type of Online Marketing which is an effective way to increase your business online. SEM is marketing your business on search engines through paid services. Nowadays, many options are available for a user if the user is searching for one thing on search engines. So, to promote your business SEM is one of the most effective strategies.
    Search Engine Marketing(SEM), is also a type of Online Marketing which is an effective way to increase your business online. SEM is marketing your business on search engines through paid services.
    Moreover, SEM is the paid promotion or advertisement for your certain product or services. In this advertiser have to bid on keywords, that users of Google or Bing enter to search for any product or services.

    SEM has known famously as:

    1. PPC(Pay-Per-Click)
    2. Paid search Ad
    3. Paid Advertising or Paid Marketing
    Commonly, SEM is called PPC(pay-per-click), PPC comes in various different formats. In the Search engine, through SEM your product or services are visible on the top of SERPs.The top four results have a small green box with the word “ad” shoes all link that is under PPC. Through Google Adwords, one can add products or service which has the location to choose and other several factors to increase the efficiency of SEM.

    Certainly, People compare SEO and SEM. They try to find the DIFFERENCE between SEO vs SEM. But if both are worked blindly gives the best result to the business.

    3. Content marketing:

    Content Marketing is creating relevant, reliable and consistent content about products and services for covering the target Audiences. Advantages of Content marketing is, it proved very favorable for brand awareness and lead generation for over the years. For Business, content marketing proved to deliver trustable traffic over the long term. Content is considered as a ‘KING’ if used in the right ways for marketing. No goals are such which are not achieved by content marketing.
    Content Marketing is creating relevant, reliable and consistent content about products and services for covering the target Audiences
    The content was initially associated with the printed content. Over the years, different formats of content have become increasingly popular. Nowadays, this portion includes digital formats such as Blogs, Social Media Posts, Infographics, Videos, Podcasts, Webinars, Presentations, etc.

    Most of them find out through questions and finding answers related to, this results in a top page search. If u want a targeted audience and engaged audience then, through relevant content you can get a loyal and reliable audience. Accurate content Marketing Strategy is a valuable key to attract the audience to our products and services. Through the addressable audience, you can increase your sales by different types of engagement ways of content marketing.

    Relatively, content must be optimized and easily readable. If you are interested in content writing, read Content Writing Basics for Beginner.

    4. Social Media Marketing (SMM):

    SMM is marketing your product or service through social media. both organic and paid marketing is available on several social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, telegram, Instagram, etc. Nowadays every person is using social media like Facebook and Instagram. To cover the maximum audience the best approach is social media.
    SMM is marketing your product or service through social media. both organic and paid marketing is available on several social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, telegram, Instagram, etc.
    One of the most used strategies of digital marketing in the near future is SMM. While in the modern age social media channels become the center of online activity, this is where customers engage in conversation. It's also the nerve center of market and brand interaction for huge population subsets.

    Let’s say, many people are connected through Facebook to each other. If you promote your brand of service or product through Facebook. Customers will be aware of your brand or product you are selling.

    Most Effective Social Media Marketing strategies:

    1. Bring Brand Awareness among Audience.
    2. Drive more Traffic to your site.
    3. New Lead Generation.
    4. Increasing Sales i.e Grow Revenue.
    5. Increase brand engagement
    6. Build a loyal Customer Community.
    7. Know about people’s opinions for the brand.

    5. Email Marketing:

    Email Marketing is also one key that provides decent traffic for your website. It builds trust and provides a large array of interested peoples. Even though Email Marketing Strategy is less used currently, but about 50% of average ROI comes through this tact. An email campaign is trending currently as the best E-Mail marketing strategy.
    Email Marketing is also one key that provides decent traffic for your website. It builds trust and provides a large array of interested peoples.
    The most important way to build Email Marketing Tactics or Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) Marketing is to integrate it with social media. There are many companies provides free Email marketing services for your business and brand awareness. As mentioned above, Social media is the platform where people used to discover products and express their reviews. modern customers firstly go for reviews of the product and then make a purchase decision.

    Email is the most important Communication channel. Many users check their email on a daily basis. After obtaining targeted customers, several email platforms such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail should be used to send informatory emails of the brand.


    Mainly there are more than 10 types of digital marketing strategies, but depends on the individual how you want to start. I shared with you the most important and basic strategy to start with.
    Thank you, I think I have given a basic introduction to start a perfect approach for your business to market digitally.

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    Blogger: Damini Bhayal / Parag Ambaliya