How to Create New Campaign on Google Ads (Google Adwords)?

    Google Ads

    Nowadays the digital world is the most active way to spread information around the globe. One can share information from any part of the world to any country, state or city of the world. This is possible only and only because of the Digital internet world. Keeping this in mind google found an idea to market any business through its search engine.

    We will make you understand how Google Ads works and how this investment can help you grow your business—all within your budget in this blog.

    Lets, take you back to the complete scenario of how Google Ads started?

     At first, Google launched Adwords in the year 2000. Initially, AdWords advertisers use to pay monthly, google manage their campaign. Then, Google introduced a self-service portal named as “JUMPSTART” for managing its own Ad campaign.

    In 2005, Google launched the Google Advertising Professional (GAP) Program to certify individuals and companies who completed AdWords training and passed the exam.

    On June 27, 2018, Google announced a rebranding of Google AdWords to become Google Ads as of July 24, 2018. In addition to the full range of advertising capabilities on and across other Google's properties, partner sites and apps, the new Google Ads will offer Smart Campaigns for small businesses that don't have the time or resources to manage complex digital advertising campaigns.

    How Google Ads work?

    Google’s system basically depends partly on cookies and partly on keywords advertisers. The website on which google post the ad, the site owner receives some portion of income or profit. Google posts on the page it selects to be relevant.

    By clicking on  “Start Now”.we jump to the home page of Google Ads, which will show keyword ranking and current status of Ads, if you have started Ads.
    For starting Ads first you have to select the billing Payment option.
    Then Sign up for Starting Ads.

    Formats of Ads By Google

    Google's text advertisements:
    Text advertisements consist of a maximum of 30 characters of each line, It should have three headlines.
    Two descriptions with a maximum of 90 characters and a maximum of two URLs of 15  characters each.
    The image can be customized according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau(IAB).
    According to the new update, it allows 23% more text. This new format is available on both the Google Search Network and the Google Display network. It features two headlines with 30 characters each, replacing the standard of a single headline with 30 characters. The display URL has been replaced with two 15 character paths, not including the root domain.

    Factors Affecting bids and cost of Ads

    Your Bid
    Quality of Ads
    Extension to Other Ad formats

    Let us share information about the auction in google adsAuction In Google Ads
    When you select a keyword for Ad and someone else, auction comes in the picture. Google fetches the most relevant keywords from your content and stats auction from the highest price bid you have placed.

    The decision of which ad is shown which place by Google is based on?

    Google works on one simple methodology. Google depends on Ad rank.

    Now you think, What is Ad rank?
    Ad Rank is a combination of maximum Bid and your quality score.
    AD Rank= Maximum Bid * Quality Score

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

    What are Google Ads or Google AdWords?

    Its a platform designed by Google to market your product/service through Ads on the internet with the help of Google.

    Does Google Ads work?

    In the digital world, Google Ads is the king of marketing. Yes, it definitely works as millions and millions of daily traffic is on google.

    Where do I find Google ads settings in Android?

    >> Find Google Settings in one of these places (depending on your device): A separate app called Google Settings. In your main Settings app, scroll down and tap Google.
    >> Click Ads.
    >> Switch on Opt out of interest-based ads.

    How do I stop Google ads on my Android phone?

    Tap the Menu button to go to the apps list. Locate and tap the Settings icon. Once the Settings page opens up, tap the Google option from the ACCOUNTS section. On the Google interface, tap the Ads option from the PRIVACY section.

    Where are my Google settings?

    On most Android phones, you can find Google Settings in Settings > Google (under the “Personal” section).

    For which business I can run Google Ads?

    Anyone can run their Ads on google for any type of business. For a small business, medium business or for enterprise google Ad campaign is available.

    What is the keyword planner in Google Ads?

    Keyword Planner is a tool within Google Ads that provides data around the search queries that users have submitted in the Google search engine and provides other data resources for planning a Google Ads specific advertising campaign. In Google Ads advertiser bid on a specific keyword on which Ads appear on search engines. So, before bidding on a specific keyword for Advertisement use of this tool is beneficial.