TOP Paid Advertising Networks 2020

Let’s share general information about Paid Advertising.

    Nowadays, Internet networks are used for advertising for digital marketing. For individual business marketing on a specific channel, the Business owner has to pay some amount to the channel. This advertising is known as “Paid Advertising” popularly.

    Generally, we can some popular categories:

    1. SEM-Search Engine Marketing(Google, Bing)
    2. Paid Advertising (Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, etc)

    From the digital marketing world, if you want to build lead generation and target highly specific Audience then Paid Advertising is a must technique. After the Success of google and bing advertisement, many social platforms have come into the market world for providing marketing on their individual platforms.

    Let’s focus on Top  Paid Advertising networks of 2020

    The Best Paid Advertising of 2020

    Google Ads

    Google is the king of the digital ad world.nobody can doubt that. Initially, Google is the only one who started paid advertising in the digital world. Google has a wide range of traffic daily.

    According to current news, Google processes more than 40,000 search queries per second on average, approximately 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion per year around the globe.
    So, no matter what, one must use google ads for any size of business ad budget. Google has 3rd party websites in millions.

    So, Google is most favorable for your business ad campaign.
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    Eventually, there are some basic features included in PPC advertising:

    1. Keyword Research
    2. Campaign Analysis
    3. Landing Page Optimization
    4. Competitive Analysis
    5. Budget Management
    6. PPC Conversion Tracking

    Focusing on several above features leads to new lead generation and an increase in conversion rate.
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    I will share you the image which shows Ad on google, it will be helpful.
    online promotion examples social media advertising tips types of social media best social media ads

    The Drawback is competitiveness in google. As Google is on the top in digital marketing, all ad agencies will focus on google first. This increases competitiveness and leads to high-cost pay for an Ad campaign.

    Now, Moving forward from google to other effective Social media networks.
    Social Media is free networks around the world and provides a broad interaction with people.this will facilitate targeting exact specific people and more lead generation.

    You tube

    It’s impossible that anybody is unaware of youtube. Almost 300hours of video are uploaded every minute and almost 5 billion videos seen on, you can think about the Audience engagement available at youtube.

    Video Ads:

    Video ads proved to be the best for youtube as youtube is a video engagement social Media. According to research, a business which uses video ad campaign converts 49% faster revenue than non-video ads for business.
    Mainly four types of Ads available:
    1. TrueView Ads:
    Sponsor Display Advertisement is used in TrueView.,Right Side on the Dekstop and at the bottom of the mobile this ad is visible. The Audience can choose if they want to see Ad or not.
    Two categories:
    In-stream ads:
    Play before or In-between the videos.
    types of youtube ads youtube ads list best youtube ads

    Video discovery ads: 
    Invitation to people is sent through thumbnail to watch the videos. Generally, Appears in search content of users or on the mobile homepage.
    2. Pre-Roll Ads:
    Sometimes you can view any video and suddenly here are Ad.many times you have experienced this. After 5 seconds you can skip the Add.this is called “Pre-Roll or In-Stream Ads”

    Pre-Roll is considered on the top on youtube for lead generation and converts organic traffic.
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    3. Bumper:
    This is Short time and unskippable  Ad maximum of 6 seconds. Specially used for Brand Awareness. 
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    Non-Video Ads:

    1. Overlays:
    Semi-transparent Ads you can find on the bottom of the youtube video screen. The user can close such an ad and it covers approx 20% of Video Screen.
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    2. Suggestion Card:
    It often shows Ads related to currently viewed videos. Found on the right side of youtube.


    Facebook the name covering the whole globe.When somebody says Facebook spontaneously, the blue logo with f is visible in our vision. Facebook Ad is here just before a while but became popular due to its broad span of the audience. Facebook allows many unique targets to the client compared to other social media. Totally different than traditional PPC, it provides much more than just keyword targets.

    The best Exposure one can expect on Facebook for business proficiency. Facebook Ads cannot be blocked. A vital key for targetting the correct audience. Facebook provides thousand of innovative ideas to Ads. Facebook present Ad in the form of News Feed at a regular interval of time. It provides the best exposure to highly specific people.
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    It’s hard to block any Ads because facebook combines ads in the news feeds.


    Instagram is another popular social media platform like Facebook. You can use an Instagram advertising strategy to get millions of audiences to your desired target. It is a method in which you can place your ads with attractive layouts including images, videos, etc. It’s more attractive than any other platform.

    For your information, I need to say the Instagram has 800 million active users. So, it’s very useful to get a high audience from it.

    There are four types of Instagram ads as following:

    Stories ads

    This type of ads are useful in which your main goal is to be your customer should visit your targetted page or website: In these ads, there are many actions included such as “Apply Now”, “Book Now”, “Contact Us”, “Call Now”, “Download”, etc. Here are some examples of the Instagram story ads:
    instagram ads cost per click instagram advertising strategy how to target instagram ads

    Photo and Video ads

    Unlike story ads, one can use Instagram Photo and Video ads. It allows you to advertise products and services through attractive images and videos. It offers some more actions like “Get Directions”, “Learn More”, “Get Showtimes” and “Download”.
    See below pic:
    how to target instagram ads instagram advertising strategy instagram ads examples

    Carousel ads

    When you can market your business to a targeted audience through more than one media that is Carousel Ads. you can make an Ad through video, image, text, etc.

    In the Instagram story, Instagram allows multiple sequential media to share for Ads. Two types of carousel ads:

    1. Native stories carousel
    2. Expandable stories carousel

    Collection ads

    Instagram provides Swipeable carousel displays, from which users can see different products on the same brand without leaving the app. Any image or video displayed in Ad will link to the brand’s site.


    Twitter is Another most used Social media in the world. Almost 145 million people use Twitter daily and around 330 million monthly active users on Twitter.Twitter allows sharing your views in short around 140 characters called “Tweet”.
    One can tweet on account be seen by their followers on the timeline. Followers can also “Re-tweet” about shared Tweet.
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    Initially, people found hard how to use it. but now it’s very popular across the world. Including Politicians, Celebrities, Actors, Cricketers and the general public, everybody uses this platform to share their views. Anyone can tweet anything they want to.

    Twitter Ads are trending nowadays. The highly active platform provides many brand endorsements on platform.more than 50% of twitter users have found small or medium businesses on it. More than 90% of people buy products from their favorite brands. So brand marketing on twitter is very favorable for small or medium businesses.
    Types of Twitter Ads

    Promoted tweets:

    The promoted tweets are the same as regular tweets only the difference is it has the title as “PROMOTED”. This is the same as you can tweet your brand to even who are not followers can retweet and like it. Promoted tweets appear on the timeline, on top search results, and on user profiles.
    twitter ads examples twitter ads creatives how to create twitter ads twitter marketing

    Promoted Account

    Promoted Account is famously known as the “Followers Campaign”.It’s a type of targetting the accounts which are not your followers. If you share your content with their account, they might find it interesting. This will display on the Suggested follower’s page and also on the timeline of already following accounts. It provides the follow button has a “promoted” word on it.
    twitter ads examples how to create twitter ads

    Promoted Trends

    Promoted Trends is the most talk of the town in the Twitter world for Advertising. Because promoted trends are used with a hashtag (#).It appears on Twitter App, On users timeline, on Explore tab
    With the hashtag, the promoted trend appears on the top. When a user searches for a particular product/service it shows various search results with your promoted trend on the top with the hashtag. This is very efficient to attract organic traffic by clicking on it.
    how to create twitter ads twitter marketing twitter engagement campaigns


    TIk-Tok is a video-based social media platform. Tik-Tok has become very famous in a short span of time. Hence beneficial to cover a large span of Audience. Tik-Tok  Ads are very specific rather than Facebook and Instagram Ads. Video advertising proved to be the most impactful impact on people, video ads are taking over the digital marketing world. In the CPC model only video format.

    Benefits of Tik-Tok Advertising

    Youth Engagement: 80% of TikTok users are below the age of 35. This will be favorable for brand marketing and awareness. Conversion rates are high through it.

    Massive Audience: Generally 98% of TikTok users use TikTok 30 minutes per day. It provides a nonjudgmental and friendly audience. It reaches maximum audiences.

    Performance: Unlike other platforms, Tik-Tok focused only on the video CPC model, it has a very short time video through which skip rate is less
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    Filters offered by Tik-Tok for Advertisement:

    Time: By setting time for advertising.
    Interest: Target the audience on the basis of the interest of the targeted audience.
    Device-specific: For different OS Tik-Tok Ads can be filtered.
    Language: Tik-Tok provides many languages to target a specific audience.
    Demographics: Specific state/city, gender, and age group can be targeted.


    If you are planning to advertise your brand on multimedia, we have shown the current firing social media gives an instant boost to your brand.

    Else than this, many Ads platforms are available but these are the best platforms you should go for.

    Share your budget in the comment box for PPC, we will guide you for the perfect platform for your brand marketing. Stay tuned for the next informative blog.

    Blogger: Damini Bhayal / Parag Ambaliya